I’ll be shutting down this site and redirecting the domain to Bulmash Media at the end of 2024. It doesn’t generate much revenue but requires maintenance even if I’m not posting new…
Author: Greg Bulmash
ADHD Coaching For Tech
I may have mentioned it before, but I’ve struggled with ADHD all my life. I’m either easily distracted or hyper-focused, and my brain connects weird facts together into strange (and sometimes awesome)…
Breaking News: Year(s) of Creativity Update
Welcome back to Greg Bulmash News. I’m your anchor, Harry Ramsbottom. Greg’s “year of creativity” posts have been silent for months, but Greg recently made some big changes. For the full story,…
RealTek RTL8156B Works With Apple Silicon
This morning I tried an experiment, connecting my MacBook Pro to my Xfinity XB7 Gateway with a 2.5 gigabit LAN dongle. But I only got 1 gigabit speeds. What was wrong?? I…
Year of Creativity – Part 3: This time it’s personal
It’s a really interesting time to be doing this because I’m writing a technical book. I can’t say much except that it’s going to be a monster time suck for February and…
Year of Creativity – Part Deux
In my head, I’m calling the “Year of Creativity” my third act. First Act: Humor and Journalism This is from when I graduated college in 1994 through when I left IMDb in…
Delta Airlines Customer Service – A Case Study
I was trying to buy a plane ticket to visit my dad’s grave on his first birthday since he died when I found out Delta Air Lines stole hundreds of dollars from me.
My Year of Creativity: Introduction
On January 1 of 2024, I started a long-term exploration I call my “Year of Creativity.” As the first project, I launched “Todd the God,” a comic strip about an ancient god…
AI Voice Morphers: I tried eight and here are the results
I tried seven AI voice morphing tools to change my voice into another. Here are my results.
My Argument Against Electric Cars
I am handing off my 7-year-old CR-V to my son next year. When I do, I’ll buy a gasoline-only car or non-plugin hybrid. I did all the math. An All Wheel Drive…
Oh yeah, I got a job…
I got a job. Read on to find out where and why.
Web Dev: Tabbing through paragraphs
Recently a friend asked on Facebook if there was a way let readers to tab through content in a webpage he’d created (like a long essay or article) and have the active…
The #1 Secret to Managing High-Productivity Remote Teams
I’m going to give you the number one secret for building high-productivity remote teams, and it’s actually the same thing that makes your teams work better when they’re all in the office together…
Adding (Partial) Skill Sets
One of the things I intended to do with some of my spare time during my job hunt was update my skills; dive a bit deeper in Python, maybe pick up some…
Job Hunt Diary 2023: And so on, and so on…
Freelancing update I just submitted my first portion of the freelance assignment, though there’s still plenty to do. I’m writing some “quickstart guides” for a well-known developer brand. This one let me…