Last Night I’d mentioned a contact from a recruiter who had recruited me a few years ago, but some uncertainty about whether or not I had the bonafides needed to be cleared…
Category: Tech Career
The Coding Interview: Implement Binary Search
In this implementation of a binary search, you’re presented a sorted array of values and a target value to find within it.
Notes from the Job Hunt – Week 2 Day 2
12:30 p.m. I found three interesting roles on LinkedIn last night and applied for them. No response yet, but it’s only halfwayish through the day on the West Coast as I write…
Notes from the Job Hunt: Week 2 – Day 1
3:00 p.m. I honestly thought I was going to have to get at this later today. Between incoming contacts, a doctor appointment, and 3 calls, I was going to be pretty busy…
Notes from the Job Hunt: Day 4
Noon Friday morning has been minimal on the legit front, but last night I decided to add CareerBuilder (mostly for entertainment value) and improve my Monster profile, sparking a wave of new…
Notes from the Job Hunt: Day 3
I’m “liveblogging” with 10 a.m.(ish) and 5 p.m.(ish) updates. 10 a.m. Last night I got a response from the recruiter I knew from our interactions ~4 years ago. Yes, the job is…
Notes from the Job Hunt: Day 2
I’ve decided to sort of “live blog” this with periodic updates to the post throughout the day. 10 a.m. Woke up this morning, got myself some spam… Woke up to three recruiter…
Notes from the Job Hunt: Day 1
Set up calls with two corporate recruiters, one who hit me up last week via inMail, one responding to me applying via LinkedIn. Really starting to appreciate Calendly. It eliminates a lot…