On Tuesday, I replied to a post on Facebook. A friend works for them and was recently relocated to another country. He was in the U.S. on a business trip and his wife was concerned that WW III might break out while he and she were in different countries. I reassured her that, were WW III to break out during his U.S. business trip, I’d find him and, if necessary, use deadly force to defend him from harm.
A bot flagged it for violent speech and put me in Facebook Jail. I appealed. My appeal was denied.
Today is my youngest’s birthday. I cannot share a memory from the event of his birth because I’m in Facebook Jail until tomorrow night.
My kids don’t use Facebook because they believe it’s bullshit and none of their friends are there. Users my parents’ ages are dying off. And users between those age groups are just getting disgusted and leaving due to the death of a thousand cuts with which Facebook attacks our dignity, privacy, and ability to interact with our friends.
This is a major reason why Meta’s stock is in the shitter. When we stop using their products or start using additional protections against their algorithmic stalking, they lose revenues.
Well, maybe it’s time Meta died a death of a billion cuts… of customers abandoning them. I don’t want the multiple friends who work there and survived the recent wave of layoffs to lose their jobs, but I’m increasingly finding it difficult to justify doing anything that generates revenue for that company.